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Bringing simplicity 
to farming in Italy

The digitisation of labels has become a necessity to enable immediate access to approved recommendations and safety information, as well as to reduce waste and environmental cost of relabelling. 

AgriGuide aims to enable machine and software-readable labels

Comparable to ‘driver assistance’ and GPS revolutionising the car driving experience, guidance generated for the application of PPP according to the digital label while considering the geolocation and conditions of a grower’s field will maintain a high level of protection for human health and the environment whilst simplifying and reducing complexity for growers. ​

our vision

Food security, safely provided, in harmony with the environment


Help growers manage the footprint of Plant Protection Products on the field

2021 Foundation and Conceptualization

Initial discussions on a potential initiative for the digitisation of labels. Aiming to provide compliance use instructions to support farmers.

2022 Blueprint and Socialization

Socialisation of the initiative across relevant stakeholders. Completion of groundwork, including a preliminary feasibility study as a blueprinting exercise.

Q4 2022 Team Formation

Formalisation of the project team dedicated to the initiative.

Q1 2023 Planning and Design

Development of tentative roadmaps for the project’s execution. Creation of a first data model for label digitisation.

Q3 2023 Technical Milestones

Finalisation of the technical architecture for the digitisation process. Identification of pilot countries and commencement of the initial build.

Q4 2023 Prototyping and Feedback

Distribution of prototypes and mock-ups to growers/farmers. Collection of positive feedback, validating the solution’s utility.

Q1 2024 Proof of Concept

Completing a proof-of-concept test affirms project viability.

Q2 – Q4 2024 Pilot Implementation

Launch of the pilot phase in Germany, Italy, and Romania.

2025 Expansion and Enhancement

Ramp-up of label digitisation across additional EU countries. Initiating the next phase of the AgriGuide web app, enhancing digital services.

2026 Comprehensive Rollout

Further enhancement of the digitisation footprint across all EU countries. Piloting an initial set of compliance use instructions in field trials, aiming for widespread adoption.

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All our collaborators are fully committed to contributing to
sustainable farming practices and the responsible use of crop protection


Contact us

Have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello? Feel free to reach out to us. We value your input and look forward to connecting with you.

Contact us